Sunday, November 19, 2006

The first step is hardest of all

So, I s'pose I'll start by saying this initial blog will be nothing more than an introduction. I'm putting a time limit on it, as I do with many things in my life. As you read, you'll get lost, you'll learn some things, disregard others. You'll find yourself drowning in my stream of consciousness and, hopefully, continue to return in hopes that your chuckle bucket will overflow with the bits and pieces of verbage that I throw at you.

I find that getting started is the hardest part of many things. Once you get going, it's easy sailing. If you plan how to act before you start acting, you'll find yourself lost when things don't go as planned. That's where that whole "fly by the seat of your pants" mantra works out. I've spent so many days planning and worrying of what could be. Often times, that results in the fears coming true. I've determined that when you think things through too much, you look past the obvious. So, lesson 1: don't anticipate, react.

As you do things, you'll realize that you can handle what you set out to do. No matter how tough something seems, you'll get it done. Why do I sound so certain? Because it's true. Everything will work out. It has to. It's as simple as that. If you reject failure, if you reject anything less than the result you're looking for, then you'll get what you want. ----- I step to the side here to read what I wrote. Now, think to yourself, do you believe that? Your answer should be no. Here's why:

If you try for perfection, as I used to do, you'll not find it. If you refuse to accept anything less than ideal, then you will not be satisfied, you'll live in regret, and you'll live your life driven to fix your errors and anticipating the development of future troubles. So, as you've been told before, do your best. If you do all you can with what you're given, then nothing more can be expected and the result will be what was meant to be. This I learned after many sleepless nights and many tearfilled days.

This blog today was dull. It was preachy and told you nothing of what I do nor who I am. Why, because it's late, and I have this urgent feeling that I could be doing something more productive, as I have neglected my actual journal in which I haven't written in weeks. So much has changed and I find myself filling my time with anything other than catching up on what I failed to state in my personal writings. So, for now, I leave you with a little reminder that it's not what you do that makes you who you are. You are defined by the company you keep and how well you keep it. If you surround yourself with the truest friends and the deepest loves, then we will see who you are. The trick is, you will develop those loves and those friendships by committing acts which draw others closer to you. Closer than you ever thought possible. You'll be surprised how understanding that perfection is an idealized falacy of reality can better your life. Take it easy, it will work out, and for now, remember that things change, and if you change with them, you will never say to yourself "damn, I was closer before."

If the plane goes down...what comes next?

1 comment:

Uspekhov said...

The answer to your question "If the plane goes down...what comes next":
