It's been some time. I'd like to say it's because my schedule didn't allow for my sitting down to write for hours. Really, it's been college, my job (Resident Assistant), and just an understanding that taking myself away from my life for some time each day would create problems. If you take your hands off the wheel of the car for an hour, who knows what would happen? Yet, I had breakfast plans this morning that fell through. So here I am, in your home, and on your screen.
I'd like to thank the person who posted on my "All Clear Bell" writing. I just got your comment and figured I should keep you entertained further.
It's been nearly two years since I've spoken, and I've all but lost my entire fan base. It's a little sad, but I s'pose if my stories are any good, they'll come back. So, I've the RA job. What that means is that I become friends with people, lead them, teach them, give them advice, and watch it all go out the window when they do something stupid. I watch people damage their lives and their bodies with alcohol when they lack the maturity not only to wait until the legal age, but to use it sparingly. I watch people, each weekend night, go out with their backpacks (filled with alcohol) and their friends (girls dressed like tramps/trollups/tarts/sluts/rape victims). And they come back at 3:00, 4:00, sometimes 5:00 in the morning. Of course at this point, they're teetering back and forth, talking incoherently and loudly, pissing for a minute and a half in one shot, then fighting with the lock to their room before they collapse on their beds (God help 'em if they have a top bunk).
But my two years passed have been great. I've met many amazing people, and I've developed great stories. Hopefully you'll get some of them. We'll see; I make no promises. This year, I've come back to the same building as a Returning RA. What this means is that I am the guiding arm to the other RAs on my staff. I've a new Hall Director; she's much more business oriented than the last one, but I guess that leads to getting things done. Our staff is great, although not as good as last years. We lack that love we had for each other before. This year we're all good friends, but last year, I don't know, it was just much warmer.
My girlfriend and I are still together, fighting less than before. I've changed myself a fair amount, as is she making attempts to better herself. Otherwise, my family's doing alright. My mom is taking my niece on more as a daughter. She's spending money on my loser sister and her kid that my mom really doesn't have. We had a relative help us redo our roof a few weeks ago. Now, relatives do favors, or should. Well, he said originally $1,200 and could change depending on how much work my dad did. So my uncle said that my dad did much more work than he expected; out early before my uncle showed up, working long after he left. My mom and I made several trips to the dump to remove the old shingles, and we all carried heavy bundles up to the back deck and then to the roof. The final verdict: $1,700! That's 500 dollars more than was quoted, and more work was done than he originally thought would be.
I begged my mom to talk with her brother about him overcharging. She didn't. I asked her to try, to reason with him, to explain our financial situation. She didn't. All she did was, as is the case with big purchases she can't afford, take the money out of my savings account temporarily to pay me back later (interest free). I don't want that, I'm losing the 1% annual interest on that $1,700 for at least a few months. That's not a lot of money, but in the mean time, she's building up credit card debt like nobody's business (which it's not I s'pose :-) ), and funding my sinking sister. My sister, by the way, was going to get married, but we talked her out of it because she wasn't even sure if she wanted to stay with this guy, and she would lose all the tax breaks that were helping her so much; she would lose much more than she would gain. Instead, she is pregnant with a second daughter.
This is not good people. This means that soon, there'll be a second outlet for money from my mom. I can't keep funding terrorism.
I'll have to tell you about my funny, sad, angering RA stories another time. I've a test tomorrow that I need to spend today studying for. See you again soon...I hope. Thanks for reading.
If the plane goes down...then what happens next?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
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